Making History Together

On Sunday, March 17 we shared exciting updates about our “Transforming Hearts” initiative. Thanks to your generosity, we have received over $35 million in pledges, and things are taking shape quickly.

Watch the video to learn about upcoming projects, including expanded parking, a new building, renovations of existing spaces, and a major gift to one of our outreach partners.

We extend our heartfelt thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm for the “Transforming Hearts” initiative.

A Message from our Rector

What does it take to transform a heart and change a life? This question lies at the very core of our spiritual journey. Throughout our lives, each of us encounters moments of profound challenge, times when our hearts cry out for God’s intervention and guidance.

Transformation often begins as a whisper, a gentle nudge that stirs the soul. It might be sparked by a memory, an event, or even a brief interaction with another person. Over time, these seemingly small moments can burgeon into a strong desire to seek a deeper connection to something greater than ourselves.

While it is God who ultimately orchestrates the miraculous transformations we seek, the church plays an indispensable role. In an ever-changing, challenging world, the church must ask: What are the critical, timely things we must do to meet the needs of our congregation and our city?

Our vision for this initiative includes our blueprint for the future. It offers insight into the priorities and steps required for spiritual growth to happen: faith, connection, wellbeing, and service to Charlotte and beyond. It also envisions our physical growth—spaces we plan to build, renovate, and expand. It is noteworthy that while our congregation’s size has grown significantly, our church’s physical space hasn’t grown in almost two decades.

What do we hope will be the outcome of this collective effort? For you to cultivate deeper faith, gain unparalleled resources for wellbeing, form lasting bonds across generations, and find a platform to significantly impact others, alleviating pain and hardship.

This is our time to be bold, as those who came before us have done. I pray that you will embrace this vision and wholeheartedly support our campaign. Together, we will create opportunities for hearts to be transformed and lives to be changed in this generation and in generations to come.

With hope and excitement for all that is ahead,

Your friend and Rector,

Vision Video

Gracious God, as we embark on this journey of “Transforming Hearts, Changing Lives,” we seek your guidance. Bless our efforts to open not only hearts and minds, but also imaginations. Illuminate our path, connect our community, and inspire gospel-change in the world around us.